hoho..its been quite a while since last time i post something on my blog..so called busy with university life..haha..ok2..back to main topic..
since its already a new year..and like everybody else..i have a new resolution this year around..never have the guts to do it for years, so now i'm back on track..hahaha...so my new year resolution would be berhijrah to be a better person, insyaallah much better..pass my finals with flying color and try to control my anger(i had a minor problem(a tiny one) managing my anger..haha)..
so since that moment i've been trying to control myself, especially my mouth which is quit challenging at first because i used to say whatever i want and it doesn't matter to who..and i really though its going to be easy peasy but then again disaster strikes..
i went out with my classmates to have dinner yesterday..as we were talking and laughing and being sarcastic to each other, something bad happen...i mean really bad..it slipped out from my mouth to one of my friends..i said "at least aku tak macam ko..dah ludah jilat balik.."(doesn't matter what you're up to but DO NOT talk to your friends like i did..again..DO NOT!!)...YA ALLAH!!what on earth was i thinking?!
i thought he was okay with that..but then he updated his status on facebook..oh my!oh my!what have i done?!he's offended..and i'm the one who caused it..dem!!
so moral of the story..DO NOT say things the way you want..think about what others feelings..
so to my friend who i said that to yesterday...i really am sorry...i really don't know how to express my regret for saying those things to you..you've helped me a lot and i shouldn't say that even for a joke..please..just don't be mad at me..i know i did something stupid and there's nothing i can do to turn it all around..i really truly am sorry..='(..friend?
p/s : sorry to my umi and ayah too..and to my big brother too..i know i shouldn't act like small kids who gets upset when you don't buy them toys they wanted..but i'm just upset with what happen..and you do know that i don't like being lied to..i really am sorry..
(can only post it on blog because of my ego..huhu)
i am me
i`m selfish , impatient and a little insecure. i make mistakes , i`m out of control and at times hard to handle. if you can`t handle me at my worst , then you sure as hell don`t deserve me at my best
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Saturday, August 27, 2011
bantuan zakat vs bantuan gereja
perghh!!tajuk nak kontroversi x hengat dunie...tapi kan tu la hakikat skarang ni..ce kome bace paper ke tengok berite ke...ade je pasal hal2 ni..kome nak taw nape deme semue tu suke beno mintak bantuan dengan gereje??meh teman nak kabo meh..
situasi 1
lokasi : pejabat bantuan asnaf MAIWP
pelakon : pemohon(A) & pegawai bertugas(B)
A : assalamualaikum..cik..saye nak tanye pasal permohonan bantuan yang saye apply hari tu...
B : waalaikumsalam..no ic ayah ape dik??adik hantar borang hari tu bile??
A : ic ayah(=.=")??jap eik..ic ayah ************...saye hantar borang tu da dekat 3 minggu lepas...
B : kejap eik...ok..adik punye report permohonan baru siap minggu lepas..nak tunggu orang yang sepatutnye approve je...t kalau adik dapat kami teros bank in..kami akan hantar surat dulu sebelum tu..kalau adik x dapat pon kami akan inform melalui surat jugak..
A : ooo..(=.=")
situasi 2
lokasi : gereja
pelakon : orang yang mintak tolong(C) & wakil gereja(D)
D : awak ade masalah kewangan ke?
C : ye..saye memang ade masalah duit sekarang ni..tapi x tahu nak mintak tolong kat sape dah..
D : jangan susah2 fikir..kami buleh bantu..
C : betul ke ni??time kasih..
*situasi 1 pe yang aku alami sendiri..situasi 2 rekaan semate2 berdasarkan pe yang aku faham & dengar melalui berita..takde kaitan dengan yang hidup atau yang mati*
see?!memang la bantuan zakat tu kene kaji betul2 & bagi kat orang yang betul2 memerlukan..tapi takkan la sampai camtu punye lame nak tunggu..beragak la...agaknye sebab tu la ad orang2 islam kite ni sanggup mintak bantuan daripada gereja ni..terlalu banyak sangat procedure and bak kate kawan aku karenah birokrasi(ewahh!!) yang kite kene lalui semate2 nak mintak bantuan kewangan...
hmm..pikir2 lah..ni cume komen luaran je..maybe ade ape2 yang aku x taw..sape nak terase hamek la...jangan aku kene band sudah..
cam abang aku kate..kalau da susah sangat ko pegi je mintak bantuan dengan gereje tu jugak..cam yang masuk berite tu..perghh!!ayat x beragak..bangkai sunggoh ayat mu itu abang oi!!hahahahaha..
ok..tu je..slamat bersahur n berpuase!!
p/s : dapat cek WPP..RM1500 k..ko hadee??hee~
mood blagak jap..padahal kene bayor balik..hahaha
situasi 1
lokasi : pejabat bantuan asnaf MAIWP
pelakon : pemohon(A) & pegawai bertugas(B)
A : assalamualaikum..cik..saye nak tanye pasal permohonan bantuan yang saye apply hari tu...
B : waalaikumsalam..no ic ayah ape dik??adik hantar borang hari tu bile??
A : ic ayah(=.=")??jap eik..ic ayah ************...saye hantar borang tu da dekat 3 minggu lepas...
B : kejap eik...ok..adik punye report permohonan baru siap minggu lepas..nak tunggu orang yang sepatutnye approve je...t kalau adik dapat kami teros bank in..kami akan hantar surat dulu sebelum tu..kalau adik x dapat pon kami akan inform melalui surat jugak..
A : ooo..(=.=")
situasi 2
lokasi : gereja
pelakon : orang yang mintak tolong(C) & wakil gereja(D)
D : awak ade masalah kewangan ke?
C : ye..saye memang ade masalah duit sekarang ni..tapi x tahu nak mintak tolong kat sape dah..
D : jangan susah2 fikir..kami buleh bantu..
C : betul ke ni??time kasih..
*situasi 1 pe yang aku alami sendiri..situasi 2 rekaan semate2 berdasarkan pe yang aku faham & dengar melalui berita..takde kaitan dengan yang hidup atau yang mati*
see?!memang la bantuan zakat tu kene kaji betul2 & bagi kat orang yang betul2 memerlukan..tapi takkan la sampai camtu punye lame nak tunggu..beragak la...agaknye sebab tu la ad orang2 islam kite ni sanggup mintak bantuan daripada gereja ni..terlalu banyak sangat procedure and bak kate kawan aku karenah birokrasi(ewahh!!) yang kite kene lalui semate2 nak mintak bantuan kewangan...
hmm..pikir2 lah..ni cume komen luaran je..maybe ade ape2 yang aku x taw..sape nak terase hamek la...jangan aku kene band sudah..
cam abang aku kate..kalau da susah sangat ko pegi je mintak bantuan dengan gereje tu jugak..cam yang masuk berite tu..perghh!!ayat x beragak..bangkai sunggoh ayat mu itu abang oi!!hahahahaha..
ok..tu je..slamat bersahur n berpuase!!
p/s : dapat cek WPP..RM1500 k..ko hadee??hee~
mood blagak jap..padahal kene bayor balik..hahaha
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
nak jugak~
=o="(muke x tito2 lagi dari tengah hari semalam)
ok2..back to the main story..eceh..speaking kunon..haha..hape eik nak tulis entry kali ni?!hmmm...mmmm...hurmmm...aha!!sebok dok usha blog orang len yang citer diorang p buke kat luar yg besh tu nak citer jugak la aku punye yang ntah pape tu...wahahahhahaha(gelak pakse)
semalam p buke ngan opismate(opis ke??)..ko bekas cashier je la amir..toksah berangan keje opis la kan?!haha...ok2...memandangkan kekurangan idea yg jitu lagi bernas nak tulis entry kali ni korang tengok pic je la..kat kenny rogers one utama ok..wee~
nak order pon lame korang ni..last2 aku yang order dulu..tapi bengang la..ade ke patot suruh kitorang datang pukul 6 order makanan tp da 7.45 baru dapat..sengal je abang tu..rase cam nak geget je die..hahahaha
sekian , time kasih..
p/s : pg smlm p buat med checkup..pergh!!!amek darah kat ujung jari je...tapi aku rase cam amek darah sebaldi...maklum la takot tengok darah..hahahaha..plus x slese nak type lelame..jari bengkak lagi sebab amek dara tu..eh2!!silap..darah ye bukan dara..hehe..bye!!
ok2..back to the main story..eceh..speaking kunon..haha..hape eik nak tulis entry kali ni?!hmmm...mmmm...hurmmm...aha!!sebok dok usha blog orang len yang citer diorang p buke kat luar yg besh tu nak citer jugak la aku punye yang ntah pape tu...wahahahhahaha(gelak pakse)
semalam p buke ngan opismate(opis ke??)..ko bekas cashier je la amir..toksah berangan keje opis la kan?!haha...ok2...memandangkan kekurangan idea yg jitu lagi bernas nak tulis entry kali ni korang tengok pic je la..kat kenny rogers one utama ok..wee~
aah!!lapo pn lapo la janji pic aku hade..haahahaha |
aku da lapa..dpt menu kelam kabot nk order..padahal buke lambat lagi..hahaha yang sorang ni check duet takot x cukop..hahahaha |
aku tak tau bah mau makan apa...(bace slang sabah ok??)haha |
dan lagi buat cun eik??haha |
ngantok..tito jap la..hahahaha |
hmmm...mmmm...hahahaha |
nak order pon lame korang ni..last2 aku yang order dulu..tapi bengang la..ade ke patot suruh kitorang datang pukul 6 order makanan tp da 7.45 baru dapat..sengal je abang tu..rase cam nak geget je die..hahahaha
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tadaaa!!!at last~ |
ha..tu je la..picture paints a thousand words kan??hahaha..sori la eik??x reti la nak pilih pic yang lawo2..hahahaha....last but not least ni la pic kami sekeluarga..hahaha...
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alamak..camerawomen x masok plak..hahaha |
sekian , time kasih..
p/s : pg smlm p buat med checkup..pergh!!!amek darah kat ujung jari je...tapi aku rase cam amek darah sebaldi...maklum la takot tengok darah..hahahaha..plus x slese nak type lelame..jari bengkak lagi sebab amek dara tu..eh2!!silap..darah ye bukan dara..hehe..bye!!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
MEGAsale ok..bhahahaha
alkisahnye...lepas jenjalan window shopping hari jumaat aritu kat ipc ngan the curve , aku sangat sakit hati ok tengok sale sane sini..mau x hangen satu badan gaji last aku die bayo gune cek...padahal kat surat kate masok akaun..CIScake...hampeh betol..kan dah x dpt shopping?!tengok?!ni nak marah je ni..kita bako je!!!hahahaha
ate..alamak!!tekeluar plak slang Perak nye..hahaha...lepas menahan nafsu shopping yang mencurah2 ke ladang gandum tu dapat gak aku curah kan dwet gaji yang x seberape tu untuk p shopping harini!!horey2!!!hahahaha...ok2..destinasi pilihan untuk beronggeng ngan kengkawan aku kali ni kat curve ngan ipc...sanggup redah jam ok semate2 nak beli baju baru yg x banyak tu(waklu la x banyak amir oi..wahahaha)
aik?!tetibe ade plastik kat tangan??haaa..pic yang len x ley upload ok...admin x apporve(aku la admin tu..malu lettew)...sangat la ketare kegilaan aku bile shopping...kahkahkahkah
ha..lepas tigebegplastik aku lenjan kat curve ngan ipc kitorang menggelabah carik surau...mau x nye..aku kalu dwet berkoyan2 dalam akaun haram lupe dunie teros..hahahahaha...tapi yang menggelabah sangat tu beshfren aku ni la...ade ke die p cakap kuat2 yang die lapar nak makan nasik..hahaha..tu la..ajak aku p shopping lagi..lebam mate ko..hahahaha..kitorang pon berlari2 ala2 gedik santai gitu(gediknye ayat)...nak p makanmakan kt Q bistro..hehe
hahaha...lepas abes makan main coarse tu teringin la pulak nak sental dessert kan..eceh..poyo je..hahaha...teringin plak nak mengunyah dunkin' donut..hahaha...padan la gemok pon..makan x hengat..hahaha..sebab nak cepat sangat tapau je bawak balik...takot jam cam jam stoberi plak kang time nak balik..
x abes shopping lagi ok..hahaha..balik tu singgah Tesco jap..tempat keje lame la..hahaha..kawan aku yang pompuan tu nak beli barang rumah..pe lagi..aku ngan sorang lagi tu paw la die..hahaha..ouh!!lupe plak nak gtaw nme dorang..yang pompuan tu name die ester..yang jantan tu name die shafiq...hehe...
pastu hape lagi balek la...wott2!!sampai je kat umah tebongkang aku tito..mengamok mak aku..hahaha..ampon umi!!!janji x buat lagi(iyo la tu..hahaha)....pe2 pun shopping tu adelah terapi..untuk aku je la..haha...sape setuju tunjuk gigi!!!!^^v...yarkk!!!!tutop balik!!selepat taik gigi kau..hahahaha..tu je nak share..till we meet again , bye n gud monink!!!
p/s : tadi p solat terawih..lame da x merase pose kat umah..2 tahon ok pose kat kedah..harap2 pose kat umah tahon ni besh...selamat berpose kepade korang2 sekalian..hehehehe,,ni pon x tito lagi..ingat nak teros sahor je..pastu baru tito..hehehehe..
ate..alamak!!tekeluar plak slang Perak nye..hahaha...lepas menahan nafsu shopping yang mencurah2 ke ladang gandum tu dapat gak aku curah kan dwet gaji yang x seberape tu untuk p shopping harini!!horey2!!!hahahaha...ok2..destinasi pilihan untuk beronggeng ngan kengkawan aku kali ni kat curve ngan ipc...sanggup redah jam ok semate2 nak beli baju baru yg x banyak tu(waklu la x banyak amir oi..wahahaha)
ahaa...ni la khojenye..entrance ok...yang laki baju hungu tu la driver aku..wakakakaka |
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mak hai...gemoknye aku..sumpah xmo amek pic dari blakang lagi..wuaa~ |
aik?!tetibe ade plastik kat tangan??haaa..pic yang len x ley upload ok...admin x apporve(aku la admin tu..malu lettew)...sangat la ketare kegilaan aku bile shopping...kahkahkahkah
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ha tgk?!kan da kate..x senonoh btol pic ni..haktuih.. |
ha...abes kad ni aku kerjakan hari ni..hailah..naseb debit..kalau kredit mau teberak aku nak bayo.. |
ha..lepas tigebegplastik aku lenjan kat curve ngan ipc kitorang menggelabah carik surau...mau x nye..aku kalu dwet berkoyan2 dalam akaun haram lupe dunie teros..hahahahaha...tapi yang menggelabah sangat tu beshfren aku ni la...ade ke die p cakap kuat2 yang die lapar nak makan nasik..hahaha..tu la..ajak aku p shopping lagi..lebam mate ko..hahahaha..kitorang pon berlari2 ala2 gedik santai gitu(gediknye ayat)...nak p makanmakan kt Q bistro..hehe
Q bistro je la..mane mampu nak makan mahal2..hahahha |
barang aku sorang je penoh seat sebelah aku..3 plastik je ok..x banyak kn??kan3??! |
ni la diorang yang kelaparan tu..lahap cam x makan betahon..hahaha |
diorang x layan aku lepas dapat nasik..ni la jadinye..hahahahaktuih..^^ |
x jam pon..SHITtake mushroom la..haih |
haa..beli ni je kat dunkin' tadi..munchkin..x sempat nak snap yang real punye adek2 aku da sental kasi abes...pelahap sungguh...cam abang die jugak..hahaha |
x abes shopping lagi ok..hahaha..balik tu singgah Tesco jap..tempat keje lame la..hahaha..kawan aku yang pompuan tu nak beli barang rumah..pe lagi..aku ngan sorang lagi tu paw la die..hahaha..ouh!!lupe plak nak gtaw nme dorang..yang pompuan tu name die ester..yang jantan tu name die shafiq...hehe...
pastu hape lagi balek la...wott2!!sampai je kat umah tebongkang aku tito..mengamok mak aku..hahaha..ampon umi!!!janji x buat lagi(iyo la tu..hahaha)....pe2 pun shopping tu adelah terapi..untuk aku je la..haha...sape setuju tunjuk gigi!!!!^^v...yarkk!!!!tutop balik!!selepat taik gigi kau..hahahaha..tu je nak share..till we meet again , bye n gud monink!!!
p/s : tadi p solat terawih..lame da x merase pose kat umah..2 tahon ok pose kat kedah..harap2 pose kat umah tahon ni besh...selamat berpose kepade korang2 sekalian..hehehehe,,ni pon x tito lagi..ingat nak teros sahor je..pastu baru tito..hehehehe..
Saturday, July 30, 2011
puase & raye
ahaa!!!hahaha..glabah je nk start entry..hahaha..ok2..kli ni nk citer psl puase & raye..hahaha...smlm...nk kuar p menjelajah tesco nun..kononnye nk p bli barabg nk ready msk u la..haha..tgk syok2 tnggu driver a.k.a beshfriend aq tu aq tpndng la iklan2 haram yg ad kt pokok bdpn ngan umah aq....x sngke eik ad cmtu..hahaha..
hahaha..maw x gelak guling2 aq..hahaha...cmni pn ad eik??bahaye woo..x psl2 kne sembelih kang cmne??hahaha..ok2..tu je..nk tito dlu..nyte2!!
p/s : gaji msk lagi..mood nk shopping esk..haha
ingtkn bank je yg ad bnyk option pnjmn rpenye along pn ad..wahahahaha |
p/s : gaji msk lagi..mood nk shopping esk..haha
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
lmbt gle aq..haha
ok..sbnrnye xtaw la nk ckp hepi thp pe lg..haha..dpt msk u ok..ko hade??*pnjm ayt org..haha*saye sngt sronok ok...x tgmbr prasaan ni...rse cm nk lompat2 taw x??haha..
sje je mrepek pg2 bute ni...haha..nyte!!eh?!slp...monink!!haha
p/s : tetbe tringin nk minum cool blog ok...haha
lompat cmni ok x??haha
asl la ko hepi sngt amir??mst la..dpt kos plhn 1st ok..hahaha...
sori ler screenshot huduh..nk share je..
dlm keseronokan tu dtg plak mnde yg kurng senang...ish..ble tgk je yuran daftar...mak aih!!!!tebeliak bjk mate ok...time tgk tu parents ad sblh..tros brubah mke dorg....ati ni rse cdey je..mne nk crk dwet bnyk tu???da la nk raye lg...tbe2 tlintas je rse xmo smbng blaja...tp cpt buang prasaan tu...kesian kt dorg..huhu...
dlm ksedihan n kepeningan aq ni...aq tjmpe sumting yg pd aq sngt lwk n resemble dgn tepat skali..haha..time keje td aq kne bwat alien..hahaha...cm plek je bnyk die..haha..kutip barang la..cshier je ok kt tesco..lps kutip tu aq p la hntr kt tmpt yg spatutnye..smpai2 je tros aq nmpk sesuatu yg mnrk perhatian..nah!!tgk la..haha
dlm ksedihan n kepeningan aq ni...aq tjmpe sumting yg pd aq sngt lwk n resemble dgn tepat skali..haha..time keje td aq kne bwat alien..hahaha...cm plek je bnyk die..haha..kutip barang la..cshier je ok kt tesco..lps kutip tu aq p la hntr kt tmpt yg spatutnye..smpai2 je tros aq nmpk sesuatu yg mnrk perhatian..nah!!tgk la..haha
abaikn spelling yg slh tu ok..hahaha...
sje je mrepek pg2 bute ni...haha..nyte!!eh?!slp...monink!!haha
p/s : tetbe tringin nk minum cool blog ok...haha
Saturday, July 2, 2011
storytelling time
Once upon a time, in an island there lived all the feelings and emotions : Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to them that the island would sink! So all constructed boats and left. Except for Love.
Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.
When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.
Richness was passing by Love in a boat. Love said,
"Richness, can you take me with you?"
Richness answered, "Sorry Love, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat and so there is no place here for you."
Love next asked Vanity who was also sailing by. Vanity was also ready with the same answer.
"I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.
Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, take me along with you."
"Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!", sadness said in a sullen voice.
Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so preoccupied with her happiness that she did not even hear when Love called her.
Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you." It was an elder. An overjoyed Love jumped up into the boat and in the process forgot to ask where they were going. When they arrived at a dry land, the elder went her own way.
Realizing how much was owed to the elder, Love asked Knowledge another elder, "Who Helped me?"
"It was Time," Knowledge answered.
"Time?" thought Love. Then, as if reading the face of Love, Knowledge smiled and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."
p/s : curik kt laptop kakak aq..haha..tp ske sngt mksd yg tersirat tu..kn3?!
Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.
When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.
Richness was passing by Love in a boat. Love said,
"Richness, can you take me with you?"
Richness answered, "Sorry Love, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat and so there is no place here for you."
Love next asked Vanity who was also sailing by. Vanity was also ready with the same answer.
"I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.
Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, take me along with you."
"Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!", sadness said in a sullen voice.
Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so preoccupied with her happiness that she did not even hear when Love called her.
Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you." It was an elder. An overjoyed Love jumped up into the boat and in the process forgot to ask where they were going. When they arrived at a dry land, the elder went her own way.
Realizing how much was owed to the elder, Love asked Knowledge another elder, "Who Helped me?"
"It was Time," Knowledge answered.
"Time?" thought Love. Then, as if reading the face of Love, Knowledge smiled and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."
p/s : curik kt laptop kakak aq..haha..tp ske sngt mksd yg tersirat tu..kn3?!
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