Wednesday, May 18, 2011

tenet pnye citer..

"result ko dpt bpe amir??"
"pe cer wei??"
"t share taw result ko.."

arghh!!!bnyk nye soklan...pnt la nk lyn..da la xde sme kes result exam kuar..haha....cuak siot nk check..adess...pnt je try pg td bkak...hrm xley..lps2 blk keje je td tros on laptop nk try check....dgn pnh gmntr lg bdbr aq pn p la mnari2kn jari aq ats keyboard laptop aq ni nk check result....dup dap dup dap...sumpah rse cm nk tkluar jntng pnye click...dpt la tgk result aq...nk taw x aq dpt bpe??haaa...pndai2 la crk sndri..hahahaha..mne bley share..malu la eden..hahaha...pe2 pn alhamdulillah la slmt lulus...yeay!!!hajat utk x repeat dpt drealisasikn..huhu...bak kte kwn aq yg slalu tegeliat lidah...yeay!!slonotnye...wahahahahaha....*ampon gojes ampon!!*

tp 1 je...ble result kuar ni aq ad je yg x besh...cdey la...hrpn nk msk sme u ngan beshfren x ksmpaian....sumpah nk nages...pdlk pe aq klu org kte laki x ptt nanges...crying is the way to show feelings that you experience at that moment ok...pe2 doakn hnye yg terbaek utk kwn2 aq...hnye yg terbaek utk korg....pe2 pn aq rndu korg gle2!!!!!!!


  1. tak kisah U mana pon, janji kita semua dapat sambung belajar, kan ^_^

  2. Wuhuuu, betol2. Luaskan ruang bersosial. Err, ape aku merepek? -,-

  3. nanad:btol..XD
    nina:ntah ko..hhahahahaha
